
7 Easy Steps to Grow Plants from Seeds

No joy is greater than growing plants all the way from seeds and then seeing them flourishing and flowering. So, if you want beautiful flowering plants in your garden, why don’t get the best quality seeds from an online seed supplier in the comfort of your home and start working on your dream garden? If you are hesitating just because you don’t know how to grow plants from seeds, then don’t worry, this guide will help you learn the same in easy steps.   1.     Get a container You can either buy a new small-sized pot or use a container that you don’t use anymore. Make sure that it is at least 2 to 3 inches deep and has small holes for drainage. You can use a plastic pot, cell pack, peat pot, yogurt cups, or even eggshells. Clean the container thoroughly by using a solution of bleach and water in the ratio of 1 to 9. When using too small or too shallow containers, remember that you will need to transplant the seedlings as they grow and get bigger.   2. ...