
All You Should Know About Growing Vinca Seeds

Growing Vinca Seeds  Vinca Seeds   Vinca flowering plant is also known as rose periwinkle and more other names in different places. It is an annual plant that is so versatile and is a must-have in everyone’s flower collection. Its flower structure includes green foliage and blooming petals of various shades of pink, white, rose, red, salmon, and purple. As charming as it looks, this plant is a little trickier to grow from the seed. Although, you can collect the vinca seeds from a matured plant or can easily buy them online. Which is the right time to plant vinca seeds?  Vinca Seeds Vinca seeds should be planted indoors for three to four months prior to the last frost of the season. They are annual plants, but vinca seeds need warmth and moisture to grow. Cover the seeds slightly with soil in the seed tray and cover them with a wet newspaper. The germination of vinca seeds requires complete darkness and a temperature of about 27 degrees Celcius. Check the seed tray da...

Flowering Plants to Add to Your Garden for Blooming Summer

The winters are long gone, and it’s time to revamp your garden area with the flowers that will bloom all summer. If you also have a green thumb and love some vibrance in your yard, you should add the flowers I’m going to list in this blog. From summer till the onset of winter, the bloom of these flowers will add colors and charm to your garden.  Here is the list of flowers to add to your garden to elevate its curb appeal: Coreopsis The common name for coreopsis is tickseed, which is a tender perennial plant. The various colorful flowers of coreopsis include solid pink, orange, yellow, burgundy, etc. they grow in a clump with an endless parade of blooming flowers on long and tender stems. They only need full sun, well-drained soil, and regular fertilization for healthy growth.  Gaillardia  Gaillardia is one of the plants famous for its colorful daisy-like appearance. Their petals are a combination of two or three colors in shades of gold, orange, burgundy, and ye...

7 Easy Steps to Grow Plants from Seeds

No joy is greater than growing plants all the way from seeds and then seeing them flourishing and flowering. So, if you want beautiful flowering plants in your garden, why don’t get the best quality seeds from an online seed supplier in the comfort of your home and start working on your dream garden? If you are hesitating just because you don’t know how to grow plants from seeds, then don’t worry, this guide will help you learn the same in easy steps.   1.     Get a container You can either buy a new small-sized pot or use a container that you don’t use anymore. Make sure that it is at least 2 to 3 inches deep and has small holes for drainage. You can use a plastic pot, cell pack, peat pot, yogurt cups, or even eggshells. Clean the container thoroughly by using a solution of bleach and water in the ratio of 1 to 9. When using too small or too shallow containers, remember that you will need to transplant the seedlings as they grow and get bigger.   2. ...